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High Energy Physics

High Energy Physics (HEP) explores what the world is made of and how it works at the smallest and largest scales, seeking new discoveries from the tiniest particles to the outer reaches of space. This quest inspires young minds, trains an expert workforce, and drives innovation that improves the nation's health, wealth, and security.

Research is inspired by some of the biggest questions about our universe. What is it made of? What forces govern it? How did become the way it is today? Finding these answers requires the combined efforts some of the largest scientific collaborations in the world, using some of the most sensitive detectors in the world, at some of the largest scientific machines in the world.

By now a number of scintillation detectors types and detector systems were developed and used widely in high energy physics experiments to detect charged and neutral particles in a large energy range from 1 keV to hundreds of GeV. Main classes of the scintillation materials are PbWO4(Large Hadron Collider-CERN), BGO(L3 experiment-CERN) or Plastic Scintillators(LHAASO-IHEP).

High Energy Physics